Wednesday 13 August 2014

Important And Useful Herbal Remedies For Constipation Problem

Constipation is the condition where the person finds it difficult to pass stool and the bowel movement is infrequent and sometimes, the person feels extreme difficulty in passing stool. Even after a bowel evacuation, the person may feel a sense of incomplete evacuation, pain and straining of tissues. There are numerous known causes for constipation that includes use of medicines, low physical activity, poor thyroid functioning, increased level of calcium in blood, increased level of iron, genetic disorders etc., but the authentic correlation in its regard is still being researched. The problem causes pain, bloating, reflux, nausea, tiredness, defecation and flatulence and related malfunctioning of body organs. Some important and useful information about constipation problem is discussed below, where a standing research in this area indicates some likely causes of the condition.

Important and useful information about constipation problem: A leading institute on digestive health found that the common variety of constipation can be linked to bacterial infection that enters the bowel and coexists in the human digestive tract. These kinds of conditions can result in production of certain molecules of the bacteria that affects the nerve endings found in the digestive tract and it partially paralyses the bowel movement.

Actually the worldwide research on constipation is directed towards low intake of fiber and doctors advise patients to increase fiber intake to prevent constipation.

Constipation can be caused by a chronic infection in the gut region and sometimes, the infections fails to respond to laboratory based antibiotics. This also restricts the movement of gas in the region causing various other symptoms in patients such as -

1. Vomiting

2. Nausea

3. Dizziness

4. Pain

5. Lower oesophageal sphincter causing reflux

6. Paralysis of gall bladder

7. Ejection of bile

8. Formation of stones in gall bladder

9. Precipitation of cholesterol

Researchers have found a rare connection of infection in the gut region with constipation and this is now a complex question where the researchers have already worked on allergy, diet, stress reduction and other mechanisms to restrict the symptoms of constipation. Some common ways to reduce symptoms are -

1. Avoiding medications that cause constipation

2. Doing regular physical exercises

3. Drinking 8 glasses of water

4. Increasing dietary fibre

5. Scheduling bowel to suit the body

6. Take fruits juices and herbs that can improve bowel movement by reducing dryness of stool

Ayurveda believes the collection of bowel in digestive tract encourages bacterial growth that exists in the tract causing productions of toxins that are dangerous for normal health. Other related important and useful information about constipation problem in ayurveda involve the use of some herbs work as laxatives that bind the bowel to promote its movement. The herbs induce contractions of muscles and in the inner surface of intestine for promoting bowel movement. Stimulating laxatives are most effective in reducing the problem of constipation. Arozyme Capsule is one such herbal cure that can help in easy defecation of bowel. The herbs in the capsule reduce growth of microbes in the digestive tract and works as laxatives to increase motility of bowel. These herbs work as diuretics to absorb water which reduces the problem of hardening of stool and prevents pressure on intestinal walls caused by it.

Read about Constipation Herbal Remedy. Also know Chronic Constipation Treatment.

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